Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hello ladies, I know it’s been awhile, but I’ve come back with a vengeance! OK now its really time for some tough love because some of you B.G.D.’S have just gotten out of control and it’s just pissing me off! I really do wish there was some sort of fashion police that I could call because some of you look so bad that you should be removed immediately from the public. Hell I’m so pissed I’m about to just take matters into my own hands and start handing out cards with this link so that when you get home and look it up you can see your picture and it will look like this:


Disclaimer: If you are offended by now you should be because I am!!!! I’m seeing too many big girls in clothes that are clearly too small and to make it worse have the audacity not to wear some type of foundation! It’s almost as if you enjoy being a B.G.D. because you keep giving me something to talk about! Please know that being a B.G.D. means you are a HOT MESS!!!! Now you know I’m all about loving your curves, but clearly some of you are confusing curves with rolls!!!! Allow me help clear up the confusion, Curves show off your shape and tend to be smooth; rolls come in the form of muffin tops or even look like scoops of ice cream! I understand that there are different plus size body types, but I have yet to see one that couldn’t stand to benefit from spanxs!!!



If I can count your rolls, we have a real problem!!! Please shape it up or ship it out! Allows SPANX'S to change your life!!! The sites to your left have spanxs. If you know of any other great shape wear please feel free to recommend them in the comment area! Until next time your B.F.F.!!!


Thursday, May 7, 2009



Hello ladies!! Since we are still working on the basics, today we will be discussing the PANTY. I’m so sick of seeing panties misused and abused!!! Now I understand that being plus-size does not strip you of being sexy, but wearing thongs for the world to see does!

I was always taught that no one should see your underwear unless they are sleeping with you. My grandmother also said they should be matching because you never know when you are going to have to take a ride in the ambulance, and god forbid you have holes or stains, but I digress. Really to me it doesn’t matter what size you are I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOUR DRAWLS!!! Who ever made it cute to wear a thong as an accessory should really in the words of my friend Kendyia, “Go push themselves down”! My biggest panty pet peeve is: Not wearing the appropriate panties for a specific outfit! If you know you are wearing an outfit that is going to show your panty line then get some seamless panties. This would be the time to wear a thong or whatever your preference is, I just don’t want to know you are wearing one!! If your outfit is not boy short appropriate, then Please don’t wear them that day, there will be plenty of other opportunities, I promise! I have actually seen with my own two eyes a B.G.D. wearing boy short underwear and every time she walked they would rise up till eventually they turned into a thong. I know she had one hell of a wedgy because that’s a lot of fabric to have in your butt crack, hell it was so bad I wanted to pick it for her. A question for a later date would be why I could see all this happening through her clothes, but we’ll discuss that when we get to fashion!!! I also hate when woman wear lace or decorative panties with tons of colors and designs with white or see through pants. Their panties are on display so good they should be paid for advertising! Can someone please tell me why if you know you are going to be sitting down at some point during the day, you proceed to put on the tightest low rise jeans or they just may be so tight they have no choice but to be low rise jeans you can find or jeans you know are to big but you think you can make it without a belt and every time you sit down an innocent bystander is scared for life?

I know I’m guilty of sometimes letting my pants fall a little below the waste and giving a little panty action, but that’s all I gave because I had on some drawls that covered my entire but not some floss! Don’t get me wrong because I’m not saying you shouldn’t wear thongs, g-strings or whatever the hell floats your boat in the panty department, but leave it for those that want to see it! I highly doubt this includes the outside world! All I’m saying is please step your panty game up and get it together because my eyes are tired of suffering from your mistakes! Not sure where to get some size appropriate panties, then check out the links to the left because they sell panties as well as bra’s!! Until next time don’t get caught with your pants down because you will be fined for being a B.G.D.!!! Your B.F.F.(BEAUTIFUL. FLAWLESS-FIGURE. AND FABULOUS)


Monday, May 4, 2009



Hello my fellow PLUSanista’s, yes I’m back! As mentioned in the previous post, I’m here to transform the PLUS-SIZE world one B.G.D. at a time. If you forgot what B.G.D stands for or didn’t read my first post, then please allow yourself to exit this post now to do so. Thanks!! Now let’s begin. Everyone knows how important a great start or foundation is to anything you do in life, so we are going back to the basics. One of the most important must haves for a true PLUSanista, or hell for any woman is THE BRA!!!!!! Statistics show that between 70-85% of woman are wearing the wrong size bra. I’m sure if plus size woman were polled the number would probably be higher. There is clearly a bra epidemic because Oprah dedicated an entire show to it!!!! PLEASE don’t front like your bra is on point at all times cause I know better and at times I still fall short!

There are 3 categories that will classify you as a B.G.D. ASAP!!!!

1) Your bra band being SO BIG it creates the dreadful BACK FAT

2) Your bra offering so LITTLE SUPPORT that everyone who comes in contact with you wonders do you have one on and if you do why in the hell did you even bother? Truly some of your breasts are dragging so low I see sparks! Please ladies take head to what I’m saying. Now I know everyone doesn’t want there breasts touching their chin like me, but we have got to do better!

3) Your bra being so TIGHT and SMALL your breast are being pushed out the side, coming out the bottom and even spilling over the top like muffins. This is just a plain out cry for help from your bra honey!!!!

The beauty of the situation is that you don’t have to stay a B.G.D., YOU CAN GET UP!!! Below is a chart that comes from LaneBryant.com that shows you the correct way to measure yourself for your correct bra size. If you aren’t comfortable doing so, I know most stores with lingerie departments will do it for you so there are no excuses!

  1. Wrap the tape measure around your chest, just beneath the breasts.
    This is your band size (example: 38").
  2. Wrap the tape measure around the fullest part of your breasts. This is
    your bust size (example: 41").
  3. Subtract the band size from the bust size (example: 41"-38" = 3").

Match your final number (example: 3) to the corresponding cup sizes

below. (example: 3 = C cup. This bra size is a 38C.)

2 inches = B cup
3 inches = C cup
4 inches = D cup
5 inches = DD cup
6 inches = DDD cup
7 inches = F cup
8 inches = G cup
9 inches = H cup

Now that I have helped you up it’s up to you to stay up by buying the proper bras! Please don’t use cost as an excuse either because a good bra is a necessity. If you don’t know where to look, check out some of the links to the left. I have also provided you with links to information on the proper care, how to get the best fit and any other information you may need. It’s in your best interest to check it out!!! Don’t be a B.G.D.!! Until we meet again, your B.F.F. (Beautiful.FlawlessFigure.and Fabulous)

*My personal Faves!!!

** If you know of a great website that is not listed please share because we are all in this together!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

REVOLUTION!!!! ...or so I thought

Hello my fellow PLUSanista’s!!!! Allow me to introduce myself; I’m your new B.F.F.!!! I’m here to tell you what your friend’s aren’t but society is! Before we get started let me go ahead and make this DISCLAIMER: I am not here to attack or offend anyone, I’m here to help, however if at anytime you do feel offended, then that probably means you are a B.G.D. (BIG GIRL DOWN), but we’ll get more into that later. My vision is to bring to the fore front PLUS-SIZE fashion and all it has to offer. I was inspired by all the B.G.D.’S of the world and the complaints of all my friends. Now I’m not claiming that I will be able to make miracles happen, I’m only human, but I do believe in slow transformations! From this moment on the following excuses are null and void: I’m broke, I don’t know what’s hot and what’s not, I can’t do anything with my shape, or my favorite headache, I HATE MY BODY! I know by now some of you are reading this like “Who the hell does she think she is”, but NEWS FLASH, if you are reading this and feel that way you probably need the most work!!! Enough of that now as you all know by now FOREVER 21 released there plus line, FAITH 21 today. I was so excited, I just knew it was going to be everywhere I wanted to be, but it’s not!! Maybe I’m being hard on them, probably not. I’m a strong believer in the motto “Go Hard or Go Home” and clearly they should try again! I just don’t understand why all the clothes they showed as previews that had me so excited are no where to be found, confused am I. Wait there’s more, can someone please tell me why there’s only 31 articles of clothing and within that number its like five dresses a couple skirts and the rest tops. WTH!!!! Umm and for those that catch on a little later than others there are no pants, I guess since its hot outside they figure you really don’t need them. And if that wasn’t enough the slap in the face came when I found out I couldn’t even try on any of the 3 dress in the store because it’s not in stores in Georgia!!! Like what’s the point? All I’m saying is I’m tired of getting Tabasco spat in my eye’s because I’m curvy! Stores and designers need to stop acting like being plus size is a punishment!!!! I understand we as a plus-size community have come so far and more and more stores and designers are catching on, but if you are going to do it, do it right don’t half ass it!!! For that reason alone on a hanger scale of 1-5, 1 meaning it will not be hanging in my closet and 5 meaning it will be hanging in the front, FAITH 21 by FOREVER21 RECEIVES:


Check out the FAITH 21 poll and let me know how you feel, until next time
Your new B.F.F. (Beautiful. Flawless Figure. and Fabulous)

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