Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hello ladies!! Since we are still working on the basics, today we will be discussing the PANTY. I’m so sick of seeing panties misused and abused!!! Now I understand that being plus-size does not strip you of being sexy, but wearing thongs for the world to see does!

I was always taught that no one should see your underwear unless they are sleeping with you. My grandmother also said they should be matching because you never know when you are going to have to take a ride in the ambulance, and god forbid you have holes or stains, but I digress. Really to me it doesn’t matter what size you are I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOUR DRAWLS!!! Who ever made it cute to wear a thong as an accessory should really in the words of my friend Kendyia, “Go push themselves down”! My biggest panty pet peeve is: Not wearing the appropriate panties for a specific outfit! If you know you are wearing an outfit that is going to show your panty line then get some seamless panties. This would be the time to wear a thong or whatever your preference is, I just don’t want to know you are wearing one!! If your outfit is not boy short appropriate, then Please don’t wear them that day, there will be plenty of other opportunities, I promise! I have actually seen with my own two eyes a B.G.D. wearing boy short underwear and every time she walked they would rise up till eventually they turned into a thong. I know she had one hell of a wedgy because that’s a lot of fabric to have in your butt crack, hell it was so bad I wanted to pick it for her. A question for a later date would be why I could see all this happening through her clothes, but we’ll discuss that when we get to fashion!!! I also hate when woman wear lace or decorative panties with tons of colors and designs with white or see through pants. Their panties are on display so good they should be paid for advertising! Can someone please tell me why if you know you are going to be sitting down at some point during the day, you proceed to put on the tightest low rise jeans or they just may be so tight they have no choice but to be low rise jeans you can find or jeans you know are to big but you think you can make it without a belt and every time you sit down an innocent bystander is scared for life?

I know I’m guilty of sometimes letting my pants fall a little below the waste and giving a little panty action, but that’s all I gave because I had on some drawls that covered my entire but not some floss! Don’t get me wrong because I’m not saying you shouldn’t wear thongs, g-strings or whatever the hell floats your boat in the panty department, but leave it for those that want to see it! I highly doubt this includes the outside world! All I’m saying is please step your panty game up and get it together because my eyes are tired of suffering from your mistakes! Not sure where to get some size appropriate panties, then check out the links to the left because they sell panties as well as bra’s!! Until next time don’t get caught with your pants down because you will be fined for being a B.G.D.!!! Your B.F.F.(BEAUTIFUL. FLAWLESS-FIGURE. AND FABULOUS)



Anonymous said...

you are right! there are a lot of people who just don't care, and we should take time out of our busy schedules to pull them to the side and show them that we care by draping their midsection with whatever is the closest covering at our disposal!

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